Discover the secrets to brand success

In this podcast series, Robot Mascot founder, Nicolas Ruston interviews experts from the world of art, design, business, and science to explore contemporary design and communication theory, how brands get it wrong and how they get it right.

“Nick is by far one of the most well prepared podcast hosts that’s ever interviewed me. He clearly cares about his guests and audience, as he commits the time to make sure you feel like a rock star on his show.”

“I’ve worked closely with Nick. I’ve had a ringside seat to experiencing first-hand how a true original elaborates, innovates and delivers. He’s able to seek and discover the kind of answers others don’t have the remotest chance of finding.”

“Ruston is a first-rate Creative Director an amazing visual communicator and a brilliant artist. We’ve collaborated on projects as a creative team. From advertising and branding, in every media, for some of the biggest brands on the planet. “


Is your brand irresistible?
One of the biggest killers of startups is their ability to market and sell the product they create. An irresistible brand is the magnetic forcefield that attracts the ideal customers, partners, investors and talent.
Answer 20 simple questions and I’ll send you a free personalised report with tips on how to improve your brand.