Tell Tale Signs Your Brand Isn’t Working – Flakey Façade

I’ve identified some common mistakes founders make when building their brand, and so you can avoid these mistakes I’m going to take you through them. You need to beware of the Flakey Façade, this is what happens when there isn’t a seamless and consistent application of your brand across every point of contact. It’s an […]
Cross Fertilisation: A Secret Weapon For Generating Ideas

Two screenwriters once walked into a Hollywood producer’s office and said three words ‘Jaws in space.’ Those three words won them the contract for the blockbuster movie Alien. This is an example of a technique I like to use for idea generation called cross-fertilisation. Ideas are imported and mixed from different places to create something […]
Cross Fertilisation in film and art

The cross-fertilisation process can be used in pretty much any discipline, and the process itself can be used as a stepping-stone that leads to somewhere new. We can see cross-fertilisation in art, like the two artworks below one is a photomontage that combines two reportage photographs to create a new meaning. The other cross-fertilises two […]